Freiburger Wissenschaftsmarkt

LERU Bright Conference 2013, Freiburg

OUI Biomasse: 5th Partners Consortium Work Meeting

I. Science at First Hand

Meeting of the TRION partnergroupe

Tri-National Conference on the theme of "Sustainable use of biomass in the Upper Rhine"

Closing Conference "European Year of Air 2013"

Mini-conference: Air Quality in the Upper Rhine - 20 years cross-border cooperation

II. Science at First Hand

Open house and exhibition "20 years of cross-border cooperation in the field of air"

Goldschmidt 2014 California

BZ-Ferienaktion: Kinder-Uni mit BIOCOMBUST

EUCOR - summer university 2014

Freiburg-Seminar: presentation of the project


BIOCOMBUST | Closing conference

Goldschmidt 2015 in Prague, CZ